Friday 8 July 2011

Behind Irish Bars

Can you imagine being put into jail at the age of 9 or committing an offense in order to get jail time just so that you can eat? 

Welcome to the Cork City Gaol (1823-1923). Located 2km from Cork's main road. This castle-like prison once housed 19th century prisoners as early as nine years old (believed to be the age of reason). When being in the Cork City Gaol, you are accompanied by wax figure inmates, each representing their particular period in Irish history from pre-famine times to the foundation of the State.

Enjoy the pictures of the students galloping across what we call "the shaky" bridge and posing with Gaol inmates. 

Shaky bridges, steep hills, soft rain, and Gaols...not jails.

Smiling Ladies on the trek to the Gaol

The Adventure Crew Swinging the Bridge to the Gaol

Posing with the Wardener

A Terrified Inmate...

Playing a Round of Poker with an Inmate

Cork City Gaol Entrance

Stacy Loves the Rain